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ارسال يك موضوع جديد   پاسخ به يك موضوع ديدن موضوع قبلي :: ديدن موضوع بعدي

سری جدید کتاب های ساخت بازی
کاربر اخراج شده

تاريخ عضويت: شنبه 1 مرداد 1384
تعداد ارسالها: 325

شنبه 13 اسفند 1384 - 08:35
پاسخ بصورت نقل قول
سلام . امروز هم یکسری کتاب جدید و عالی در این مورد می گذارم تا دوستانی که علاقه دارند بتونند مطالعه کنند . کتاب های امروز بیشتر زیر ساختی هستند و مباحث خاص و جالبی رو دنبال می کنند که مطالعشون رو حتما" پیشنهاد می کنم .

C++ for Game Programmers (Game Development Series)

C++ is the primary language used in game development; however, game programming has a unique set of challenges, which general application development techniques and recommendations don’t apply to. Written to address this issue, C++ for Game Programmers provides practical suggestions for what C++ features to use in game development and why. Many of the misconceptions of C++ are clarified, and programmers learn the most effective methods for using the language to create games.



Chris Crawford on Game Design

Chris Crawford on Game Design is all about the foundational skills behind the design and architecture of a game. Without these skills, designers and developers lack the understanding to work with the tools and techniques used in the industry today. Chris Crawford, the most highly sought after expert in this area, brings an intense opinion piece full of personality and flare like no other person in this industry can. He explains the foundational and fundamental concepts needed to get the most out of game development today. An exceptional precursor to the two books soon to be published by New Riders with author Andrew Rollings, this book teaches key lessons; including, what you can learn from the history of game play and historical games, necessity of challenge in game play, applying dimensions of conflict, understanding low and high interactivity designs, watching for the inclusion of creativity, and understanding the importance of storytelling. In addition, Chris brings you the wish list of games he'd like to build and tells you how to do it. Game developers and designers will kill for this information!



Designing Virtual Worlds

Designing Virtual Worlds is the most comprehensive treatment of virtual worlddesign to-date from one of the true pioneers and most sought-after design consultants. It's a tour de force of VW design, stunning in intellectual scope, spanning the literary,economic, sociological, psychological, physical, technological, and ethicalunderpinnings of design, while providing the reader with a deep, well-grounded understanding of VW design principles. It covers everything from MUDs to MOOs to MMORPGs, from text-based to graphical VWs.



Elementary Game Programming & Simulations Using Jamagic (Game Development Series)

Elementary Game Programming & Simulators Using Jamagic provides a comprehensive guide to using the Jamagic scripting language to program a complete 3D game. Using a step-by-step approach, you can learn how to program professional flight simulation and ship simulation games with realistic physics, movements, collisions, sound, and music. The book also teaches you how to import numerous 3D objects and models into your games, allowing for more time on the programming aspects of game development, rather than the details of artwork. The companion CD-ROM includes everything needed to complete the tutorials, including trial versions of Jamagic and MilkShape 3D. Jamagic game creation software combines an extremely powerful 3D engine with an uncomplicated, easy-to-learn scripting language. It allows users to create impressive, professional-quality 3D games from any genre without having to learn C , OpenGL, or DirectX.


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موفق باشید Surprised
ارسال  بازگشت به بالا
ديدن مشخصات كاربر ارسال پيغام خصوصي نام كاربري در پيغامگير Yahoo

مدیر کل
مدیر کل

تاريخ عضويت: شنبه 20 تير 1383
تعداد ارسالها: 2984
محل سكونت: On the edge

شنبه 13 اسفند 1384 - 22:54
پاسخ بصورت نقل قول
ممنون از معرفی... فعلا که کارمون فقط شده دانلود... کی میشه که برسیم و یه چند خطشونو بخونیم ؟ who knows ?

پی سی گیمرز - آرشيو بزرگ بازی های کامپیوتری
ارسال  بازگشت به بالا
ديدن مشخصات كاربر ارسال پيغام خصوصي ارسال ايميل ديدن وب سايت كاربر نام كاربري در پيغامگير Yahoo

مدیر انجمن
مدیر انجمن

تاريخ عضويت: 4 شنبه 24 تير 1383
تعداد ارسالها: 392
محل سكونت: تهران

شنبه 13 اسفند 1384 - 23:39
پاسخ بصورت نقل قول
آی گفتی علی جان. دلم لک زده واسه خوندن یه کتاب خوب. کاش برسیم!

First they ignore you;then they laugh at you ;then they fight you ;then you win
ارسال  بازگشت به بالا
ديدن مشخصات كاربر ارسال پيغام خصوصي ديدن وب سايت كاربر نام كاربري در پيغامگير Yahoo

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ارسال يك موضوع جديد   پاسخ به يك موضوع    صفحه 1 از 1 تمام ساعات و تاريخها بر حسب 3.5+ ساعت گرينويچ مي باشد

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